Zeszyt 36/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Aleksandra Olejarz-Wahba

Sprzedaż wysyłkowa leków w opinii aptekarzy


Online sales of drugs in the opinion of pharmacists

The article deals with issues related to the sale of medicinal products by mail order in Poland. It presents the current legislation and the size of the market for online pharmacies. The main objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of pharmacists about the activities of online pharmacies in Poland. A questionnaire was used. Respondents of the survey were owners and managers of pharmacies and pharmaceutical outlets in Poland. It has been shown that pharmacists have a very limited knowledge of online pharmacies as well as information technology. At the same time they are not interested in establishing this type of activity. As a result, it should not be expected that the number of pharmaceutical establishments engaged in selling drugs online will dramatically grow in the foreseeable future.

Artykuł: PDF

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