Zeszyt 55/2019

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Ewa Witkowska, Bartosz Witkowski, Łukasz Goczek

Pieniądze to nie wszystko, czyli o czynnikach wpływających na jakość edukacji


Money is not everything: on factors determining quality of education

The aim of this research was to assess factors determining quality of education on middle high and high schools in Poland. The following determinants were included: gross domestic product per capita, intra-voivodeship differentiation of GDP per capita, annual change of GDP per, average monthly gross wages, confirmed crimes per 1000 inhabitants, share of population living in the city, annual change in population size, number of children in kindergartens per 1000 children aged 3–5, number of children aged 3–5 years awaiting for kindergarten enrollment, share of innovative enterprises, the number of university graduates per 1000 inhabitants, expenditure on education, the number of teachers per one student, the share of men among teachers, the average number of students in the middle school class. The carried out analysis indicate that the percentage of the population living in the city as compared to the entire population was important for the results in the junior high school exam, especially for the average humanities results. For the average result of the junior high school exam in mathematics and natural sciences with respect to the national average, the number of children aged 3–5 years awaiting for kindergarten enrollment was significant determinant. At the national level, gross domestic product per capita turned out to be of importance only for the average pass rate of high school “maturity” exams, which probably emanated from two reasons – relatively low differentiation between individual voivodships and exceeding the necessary “critical value” for each of them. The average pass rate of maturity exams turned out to be negatively related to the level of crime in the province. The small number of observed relationships is probably affected by the relatively high degree of aggregation of data and conducting analysis at the voivodships level. It can therefore be assumed that by analyzing data originating from individual schools it would be possible to confirm the significance of a higher number of factors mentioned in this paper.

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Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2024   ISSN 1232-4671
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