Zeszyt 54/2019

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Jerzy Stanik, Jarosław Napiórkowski, Maciej Kiedrowicz

Ocena użyteczności systemu zabezpieczeń w systemie bezpieczeństwa informacji


Evaluation of the usefulness of a security system in the information security system

The article presents a method of assessing the usefulness of a security system (SS) and selecting the best from a set of solitary solutions after an emergency situation. It is believed that the best security system is the one that not only ensures that the required level of security of information resources is maintained, but it is characterized by the best values describing its useful properties. It is proposed that this problem should be considered as a task of multi-criteria optimization. Values describing functional properties of SS and partial criteria of measures of its usefulness have been proposed. The functional usability, reliability and security indicators are quantitative measures of the utility of SS.

Artykuł: PDF

spis treści zeszytu 54

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