Zeszyt 49/2018

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Małgorzata Cygańska, Grażyna Kowalewska

Miejsce i rola informacji o pacjentach generujących szczególnie wysokie koszty leczenia w systemie informacyjnym podmiotów leczniczych


Place and Role of the Information about Cost Outliers and Length of Stay Outliers in the Hospital Information System

The basis for the functioning of the information society is managing information in a way that allows achieving goals. From a social and ethical point of view, hospitals should provide comprehensive health services consisting of diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation of hospitalized patients. However, a hospital as a budgetary entity cannot underestimate the economic aspect of its operation. Because all activities are reflected in the financial result, it is important to have accurate information about the patients and the cost of their treatment. The main aim of the study was to indicate the need to include information about cost outliers and length of stay outliers in the hospital information system. The article defines the information system and indicates its role in hospitals. In addition, the influence of outliers on financial outcomes of the hospital was presented.

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Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2024   ISSN 1232-4671
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