Zeszyt 46/2017

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Stanisław Jerzy Niepostyn, Andrzej Tyrowicz

Zastosowanie metryki FBS entropy-based do szacowania kompletności i spójności architektury oprogramowania złożonych systemów IT na przykładzie systemów publicznych pl.ID (Źródło) oraz e?IRZ ARiMR


Applying FBS Entropy-Based Metric to Assess the Completeness and Transformability of the Complex IT Systems Software Architecture for the Business Cases of Public Systems pl.ID (Źródło) and e-IRZ ARiMR

An improved method of complex computer systems design could be implemented in the environment of the object-oriented software, in particular in the BPM environment (Business Process Management) and using the Enhanced CMDA concept (shortly named e-CMDA, where CMDA denotes the Consistent Model Driven Architecture). Thus, it enables automating the design of the underlying software architecture while applying consistency rules of UML diagram series which are based on the calculation of entropy of UML diagrams using the FBS software architecture metric. IT systems produced along the e-CMDA are built up quicker, more productively, and less erroneous, which makes such architectures particularly useful for agile development methods. The methodology of e-CMDA facilitates direct comparison from the implementability assessments of different software architectures by means of objective calculation of consistency, completeness and transformability of diagrams.

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