Zeszyt 43/2017

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Mohamad Kassab, Giuseppe Destefanis


Requirements Effort Estimation: The State of the Practice

Estimating the effort is an important task in software project management. A realistic effort estimation right from the start in a project gives the project manager confidence about any future course of action, since many of the decisions made during development depend on, or are influenced by, the initial effort estimations. Nevertheless, little contemporary data exists for documenting actual practices of software professionals for requirements effort or size estimation. We have conducted an exploratory survey concerning the state of practice of requirements engineering. In this paper we report the results from this survey that are of particular interest to the software estimation community with an emphasis on linking the reported practices to productivity of the development process and the project’s duration and budget.

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