Zeszyt 42/2016

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Krzysztof Świtała

Obowiązki prawne podmiotów przetwarzających dane medyczne w kontekście wdrażania rozwiązań e-zdrowia w Polsce


The legal obligations for medical data processing entities in the context of e-Health solutions in Poland

Without a doubt, one of the most important issues for the information society is the improvement of the health conditions of citizens. This can be done by using information and communication technologies to reduce costs, and to produce more effective resource consumption in the health sector. However, in this context, we should note the importance of ensuring the right balance between the functionality of e-Health services on the one hand; and reliable, legally and technically adequate guaranties for the patient’s privacy, related to her or his autonomy, on the other. Without meeting these requirements it seems impossible to achieve a satisfactory level of patient confidence in the implementation of ICT in the healthcare sector.

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