Zeszyt 42/2016

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Bartłomiej Michalak, Maria Karlińska, Wojciech Glinkowski

Potencjał nowych usług e-zdrowia dla mieszkańców inteligentnych miast w świetle aktualnej sytuacji prawnej


The potential of new eHealth services for residents of smart cities seen from the current legal perspective

The authors present a concept of the implementation of new eHealth services for the residents of smart cities. Ongoing barriers that delay the deployment of eHealth services consist of a limited legal framework, high initial investment costs, lack of reimbursement and relatively little evidence for cost-effectiveness. Solutions for eHealth may deliver several social and economic benefits through innovative healthcare data management. These solutions give the patient a sense of empowerment within the health care system. The authors conclude that when eHealth is incorporated into the smart city it may affect quality of life and remote health care delivery.

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