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Zeszyt 40/2016 Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa. Antoni Bartnik Wpływ nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw *** Influence of modern information technologies on competitiveness of business Abstract Information systems used in business activity, both on macro and micro scale, help to gain and maintain advantage over the competition on the market. The application of information systems allows for the optimisation of production processes and an improvement of financial results. Presently, the so-called imitative effect can be commonly witnessed; it caused a wider access to such services and relevant know-how. Imitators incurring lower costs achieve the same results as the leaders do. This issue should not be analysed only on the micro scale, i.e. on the level of a company and its local competitor, because that view would be incomplete. The globalisation becomes an increasingly topical issue. Today, not only countries but entire regions fight for a leading position in the global economy. The application of modern information technologies allows enterprises to survive and develop on the global markets. The objective of the analysis is to check if modern technologies have a bearing on the development of various economy sectors. The paper has the following structure: Introduction. Functioning of a business on the global market. Meaning of information innovations in the development of enterprises. Opportunities and risks resulting from using information technologies in enterprises. Cooperation with banks via electronic channels. The analysis ends with conclusions. Artykuł: PDF spis treści zeszytu 40 |
Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2025 ISSN 1232-4671 |