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Zeszyt 40/2016 Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa. Daria Rybarczyk, Marzanna Skowrońska Komputerowy system wyborczy a prawo – od realizmu do poprawności *** Computer voting system and the law Abstract The 2014 Polish local elections were a shock. The collapse of the computer system supporting the election undermined the state’s credibility. A similar problem occurred 12 years ago. In 2002, during similar local elections, the computer system crushed and was not able to deliver the ballot results on time. It may suggest that the system keeps failing, although before each election a new software was developed and implemented. If a new system does not add value in terms of functionality, complexity, efficiency or safety, it undermines the progress that was to be brought about by software engineering. The electoral software developed in Poland between 2002–2014 did not comply with software engineering rules or the election law. The concept of the system itself is incompatible with basic legal regulations. This paper argues in favour of this hypothesis, and it includes a study of phenomena of computer failures of the voting systems, defines the general conceptual model of the systems, its verification against the law. A proper concept of the system is also proposed. Artykuł: PDF spis treści zeszytu 40 |
Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2024 ISSN 1232-4671 |