Zeszyt 40/2016

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Małgorzata Grzywińska-Rąpca, Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezińska

Rola Internetu w realizacji działań marketingowych firmy i zdobywaniu nowych segmentów klientów


The role of the Internet in the implementation of marketing activities of a company and gaining new customer segments

In the information society, which is developing dynamically and which accepts virtual communication and consumption, the effectiveness of e-marketing in business should be studied. The problem of online business activity is particularly important in the SME sector. This article attempts to analyse and evaluate the activities of companies in terms of the creation of their e-image, taking into account their size. Only 20% of companies in 2014 use social media to communicate with their clients. Electronic marketing tools are used by SMEs to a small extent and are not sufficient to gain new customer segments.

Artykuł: PDF

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