Zeszyt 38/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Marcin Mazurek, Łukasz Walkiewicz

Wykorzystanie języka PMML w systemach wspomagania decyzji medycznych


The usage of PMML in health care predictive analytics

The Big Data technology makes it possible to process huge volumes of data which can be utilized to build better predictive models in health care. There are some tools and libraries that support data scientist in Big Data analytics, but they are poorly standardized. As a consequence, any concept of architecture should be proved by means of prototyping. The paper presents the implementation of the Big Data analytical environment, where operationalization of the predictive models is achieved by utilizing the PMML standard. Key elements of the PMML specification are presented along with the open-source components upon which the system is built.

Artykuł: PDF

spis treści zeszytu 38

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