Zeszyt 38/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Grzegorz Podgórski

Model BYOD w organizacji


BYOD model in the organization

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) was one of the top ten IT trends in 2013 which have had a significant impact on IT departments in companies and public organizations. The impact of this trend is not limited only to IT departments, as it also spread to other areas of organizations. Like all the new trends it brings with it many benefits for both the organization and its employees, but many hazards and problems, too. The aim of the paper is to discuss the BYOD phenomenon in Poland and abroad and to indicate the origins of its development, which are due to the needs of the ‘Y generation’ workers. The article shows the changes in the approach to the management of the institutional network, mobile devices, as well as to employees themselves, for whom the phrase ‘be at work’ takes on a new meaning. Moreover, the issues related to the threats and challenges associated with the implementation of the BYOD in an institution are discussed. Not without importance are the legal conditions and the elements of the Information Security Policy for organizations that need to be changed. BYOD gives the IT staff, administrators of personal data, and the owners of the organization a headache. Is it just a trend that forces a completely different approach to many areas of the organization or the future reality that is developing very dynamically and for which we have to prepare?

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