Zeszyt 36/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Dariusz Dziuba

Przesłanki badań w zakresie ekonomiki crowdfundingu


Economics of crowdfunding – research premises

The development of crowdfunding, especially on the global scale, calls for a closer observation in economic categories, using a research approach we call economics of crowdfunding. This paper presents: the idea of crowdfunding (online crowdfunding), exemplary manners of defining it; business models used (a typology). Electronic platforms; treated as market agents, are also discussed. We also present results of research identifying the market segment of crowdfunding, its size and the geographical structure of the crowdfunding platforms in use. Based on available statistics, the global value generated by crowdfunding and its structure are evaluated. Specific attributes are highlighted. The presented results and the analyses indicate that there is a need for research into economics of crowdfunding. Basic areas and research purposes of this discipline are formulated.

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