Zeszyt 29/2013

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Tomasz Hermanowski, Marta Kowalczyk

Aspekty komunikacji społecznej w planach informatyzacji ochrony zdrowia w Polsce


Aspects of social communication in plans of healthcare computerization in Poland

Electronic prescribing, also called e-prescribing, is the process of transferring an electronic record of prescription from prescriber (physician) across central base to pharmacy, where the medication is sold to patient. It is a tool of improving pharmacotherapy safety, due to compliance control, reducing of medication errors frequency, thanks to warnings in case of contra-indications, allergic reactions, drug-drug interaction and wrong dosing, as well as reducing time and costs of physicians and pharmacists work.
In Poland, e-prescribing system is currently under development. The Center of Information Systems in Healthcare is the organization responsible for the implementation of it. It is conducted In the framework of European Union P1 Project - Electronic Platform of Gathering, Analysis and Dissemination of digital resources about Medical Events. As a part of project, the prototype of E-prescription system took place in Leszno and leszczynski district in 2011. Its aim was to gather the experiences and knowledge needed to establish final model of system, that is going to function in Poland until 2014. The prototype met very restricted engagement. Moreover, the president of Wielkopolska Okręgowa Izba Aptekarska (the association of pharmacies from the region of Wielkopolska) and the president of Wielkopolskie Porozumienie Zielonogórskie (the union that is working for and in defense of family physicians, patients and the entire medical community) reported a lot of concerns and remarks about the system.
Reasons of this situation may be connected to lack of taking into account the aspect of social communication. Exploration of opinions, anxieties, interests and expectations of prescribers, pharmacists and patients seems to be necessary for fluent and effective implementation of the system.

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