Zeszyt 29/2013

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Grzegorz Bliźniuk, Mariusz Chmielewski, Tomasz Gzik, Rafał Kasprzyk, Jarosław Koszela, Andrzej Najgebauer

Spójność informacji o historii leczenia pacjenta w heterogenicznej infrastrukturze elektronicznych rekordów medycznych


Consistency of information about the history of the patient’s treatments in heterogeneous infrastructure of electronic health records

Consistent delivery of medical records for patients, doctors, and others, it is possible i.a. by providing opportunities to carry out "on the fly" adequate semantic analysis of data obtained from EHR systems and their proper place in the decision-making process regarding treatment. Often, the same medical information is stored in multiple places. This means that in order to ensure consistent presentation of information, it is necessary to filter out the relevant information, and determine the relevance of each information node in the EHR system network, which cooperates with the clinical pathways system. Analysis of connections between EHR systems on the network, conducted from the perspective of patient information, may be based on the achievements of research in social networks. On this basis it is possible to develop optimal methods for delivering relevant medical data for a specific description of the clinical path, based on knowledge of the data collected in different nodes of the EHR system network.

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