Zeszyt 27/2012

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Elżbieta Antczak

Aplikacja przestrzennych modeli panelowych do weryfikacji hipotezy Środowiskowej Krzywej Kuznetsa na przykładzie Polski


The application of spatial panel models to verify the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis on the Polish example

The purpose of this paper is to verify the EKC hypothesis of Polish NUTS2 in years 1995-2010. The study was conducted for selected environmental indicators (emission of gases and dusts into the air), as dependent variables (the environment state), and GDP per capita-explanatory variable (economic development level). Conducted spatial econometric panel analysis was based on EKC functions. The was described the theoretical basis for constructing models. Estimation was carried out by ML in RCran. The obtained results were interpreted and the hypothesis were verified.

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