Zeszyt 27/2012

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Danuta Rozpędowska-Matraszek

Panelowy model SSANOVA wykorzystany do oceny wpływu efektów zróżnicowania sektorowego i regionalnego na prowadzoną restrukturyzację zatrudnienia w opiece zdrowotnej w Polsce w latach 1999-2009


The SSANOVA Panel Model Applied to Assess the Impact of Sector and Regional Diversification Effects on Employment Restructuring in Health Care in Poland from 1999 to 2009

The objective of the study is to examine the impact of restructuring carried out in health care on the employment level in the public sector in provinces as compared with the structure of employment in Poland. Statistical data used in the analysis come from information contained in the Statistical Bulletins of the Ministry of Health and a publication entitled “Basic Health Care Data for 1999-2010”.
Numerous economic variables show considerable sensitivity to changes in structure diversification. The SSANOVA panel model was used as a tool to examine structural changes in social and economic phenomena occurring in the health care system geographically and in a specific period of time. Such a model applied to analyse multidimensional spatial and temporal data allowed to make the analysis more dynamic because a model for eleven years (periods), five professional groups of health care employees, and sixteen provinces was estimated from 1999 to 2009. Based on estimated parameters of the model, it was possible to evaluate the impact of structural changes in provinces, geographical changes – in competitiveness, and also spatial interactions (proximity) on an increase in the regional employment of medical personnel.

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