Issue 55/2019

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Jerzy P. Rydlewski, Daniel Kosiorowski

Badanie możliwości zastosowania beta-regresji do modelowania związków pomiędzy stopą bezrobocia w województwach a innymi wskaźnikami makroekonomicznymi w latach 2004–2018


Beta-regression application to model relationships between the unemployment rate in voivodships and other macroeconomic indicators for the years 2004–2018

Beta-regression method has been applied to model relationship between the unemployment rate in voivodships and other macroeconomic indicators of digital development, i.e., e.g. intramural expenditures on R&D for the years 2004–2018. Taking into account the beta regression model, in which the mean of beta distributed random variable is modelled, allows for a better insight into the nature of the observed phenomenon.

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