Information for the authors

  • Issues of The CEA Annals are organized around topics selected by editor, and accepted by The Editorial Board. CEA Annals editor accepts only the papers related to the main topic of the issue.
  • Editors are accepting only original and not published earlier articles.
  • Editors are publishing the articles in Polish and in English.
  • Editors are not publishing the articles in parts (i.e. one part in first issue of CEA Annals, second - in following).
  • The article should not be longer than 25 pages, but the editor of the issue has the right to limit the number of pages.
  • The article should contain extracted parts: preface, chapters, subsections, termination (conclusions, summary).
  • Formulas, tables and figures should have continuous numbering in whole text.
  • A bibliography must be placed at the end of the article. In the case of using internet sources the author is asked to give an address and a date of access. The bibliography should be organized alphabetically and chronologically (in case of idem author - form the oldest).
  • At the end of the article the author is asked to give a title, synopsis and keywords in Polish and English.
  • Other important elements, additional details and formatting rules are included in a template at the bottom of the page - the articles should be prepared in accordance to them.
  • The author should attach two statements to the article. One of them is required by Publisher (it will be send by email by the scientific editor), the second by Editor's Office of The CEA Annals (template at the bottom of this page). Above mentioned statements must be filled up, printed, signed and send back by regular mail to Collegium's address.
  • If the redactor of an issue of The CEA Annals decides about its publication in on-line database „THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES” (CEJSH), the article should have a CEJSH statement in form of enclosure (at the bottom of the site) as well as it should be send back via traditional mail on Collegium of Economic Analysis address.
  • The article must be send in editable electronic form on given The CEA Annals issue editor's e-mail address.
  • Editor is responsible for sending articles to reviewers in version that do not allow identifying author/authors (see: Reviewing rules).
  • In case of any comments to submitted text, authors are asked to take them into consideration in new version of the article. If the author cannot make any changes, he/she is asked to submit written information and explanation of taken decision.
  • Editor's Office of The CEA Annals reserves the right to make any changes correspondent to periodic requirements, i.e. title changes, abridgements, editorial corrections.
  • Editor of the issue is currently cooperating with an author/s during whole process of editing the article.
  • The author/s receives for free two copies of The CEA Annals issue, in which his/her article was published.
  • The text published in The CEA Annals is protected with copyright law. Reprint of the text can be made only with Editor's agreement.
    The article's qualification procedure:

    See: Reviewing rules (with review form)

    Article's template

    Ghostwriting and guest authorship statement (Editor's Office of The CEA Annals)

    CEJSH statement

Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2025   ISSN 1232-4671
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