Issue 45/2017

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Waldemar Kozłowski

Wykorzystanie testu parametrycznego Pearsona w ocenie inwestycji infrastruktury drogowej


The Use of Persons Test in the Evaluation of Road Infrastructure Investments

Local development is a dynamic process, based primarily on quantitative and qualitative changes in the sphere of social and road infrastructure according to the needs of the local community. The main issue of road infrastructure investment is a method of evaluating its effectiveness. The article presents an evaluation model based on quantitative and qualitative indicators. In the quantitative area, the author defined 4 groups of indicators, while in the economic and social area, there was conducted a qualitative analysis based on a survey of residents of municipalities. The test results allow a multicriteria look at the realized investments by local governments.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 45

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