Issue 44/2017

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Jacek Kowalewski

Porównywalność informacji statystycznej w wymiarze europejskim na przykładzie wskaźnika dynamiki produkcji przemysłowej


Comparability of Statistical Information at the European Level: A Case Study of the Industrial Production Index

Short-Term Statistics (STS) is part of enterprise statistics, aimed at providing the most up-to-date information for the assessment of the current state of the national economy and its key sectors. At the European level STS is organised as a system coordinated by Eurostat, while National Statistical Institutions in individual member states are responsible for providing their short-term estimates. The article is an attempt at comparing the situation in different European countries with respect to information availability, estimation methods used, auxiliary information and timeliness of releasing statistics based on one, key short-term indicator – the Industrial Production Index. Conclusions presented in the article will be used to identify possible directions in the development of Short Term Statistics in Poland.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 44

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