Issue 44/2017

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Jolanta Sala, Halina Tańska

Koncepcja moderowania gospodarki opartej na wiedzy w sektorze przemysłu


The Concept of Moderating the Knowledge- -Based Economy in the Industrial Sector

Based on the experience of supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in enterprises’ design and production in 2012–2015, the author has developed a concept of moderation of the knowledge-based economy in the industrial sector. It includes institutional and methodological solutions, taking into account the specificity of functioning of industrial enterprises. The concept exposes aspects of bridging the gaps of digital literacy, including knowledge transfer in the field of computer systems such as CAD/CAM/CAE. The study presents the assumptions of the concept and preliminary results of its implementation.

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Table of contents of issue 44

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