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Issue 35/2014 The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one. Grzegorz Wojarnik Koncepcja wykorzystania algorytmów genetycznych jako metody analizy danych medycznych gromadzonych w ramach Internetowego Konta Pacjenta *** The concept of using genetic algorithms as a method of analysing medical data collected under the Internet Patient’s Account Abstract The Internet Patient’s Account (IKP) is a project whose aim is to enable the collection of data regarding a patient’s medical condition in one place. This project involves the registration of all the data related to the health of Polish citizens in a central database. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make an attempt at an extensive use of data that will be collected by this system. The paper presents a concept of using the data analysis system involving a genetic algorithm, which will allow the exploration of the data collected under IKP. Article: PDF Table of contents of issue 35 |
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