Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Piotr Muryjas

Business Intelligence w zarządzaniu współczesnymi zakładami opieki zdrowotnej


Business Intelligence in management of contemporary healthcare entities

This paper presents a concept of healthcare entities’ management oriented on an intensive use of analytical data in order to increase the efficiency and the quality of business and medical services performance. Putting this concept in practice requires a new approach to the possessed data and its value in the decision processes. This value is created by the implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) that enables data-driven management. The areas of analytics supporting business and clinical decisions, the barriers and the benefits as well as the key factors of BI adoption have been discussed here. Furthermore, a case study has been presented in order to illustrate the use of BI in an independent public healthcare facility.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 35

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