Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Dariusz Zdonek, Beata Hysa

Ocena jakości stron internetowych podmiotów publicznych świadczących usługi szpitalne w województwie opolskim


The quality assessment of public hospital websites in the Opolskie province

Hospital websites are becoming an industry standard as patients (consumers) and health professionals use web resources for information, research, and communication. The article presents the question of the quality of hospital websites. The main objective of this study is to provide an evaluation of the quality of hospital websites. The article includes the result of research carried out on 20 web pages of independent institutions offering hospital services in the Opolskie province. The proposed assessment focuses on the following main criteria: accessibility, functionality, usefulness and the completeness of the information.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 35

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