Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Piotr Filipkowski, Michał Horodelski

Zastosowanie rozproszonej platformy modelowania i symulacji do analizy informacji medycznych na bieżąco


Applied distributed modeling and simulation platform for the analysis of medical information in real time

The paper presents selected methods of processing medical information relevant to the type of threat to life or health using telecommunication systems, in order to create opportunities to take appropriate immediate medical decisions and emergency action. The aim of the research is to recognise computational capabilities of the selected modeling and simulation platform, and then use it to provide mobile support for the analysis of medical information under stress. For the purpose of this paper, one possible scenario of the medical services’ action has been chosen and presented alongside with its implementation on the LabTSI® platform. The paper argues that the use of modeling and simulation environment and of distributed programming enable a successful reduction of the information processing time, so important in emergency medical services.

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Table of contents of issue 35

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