Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Magdalena Czerwińska

Usługi e‐zdrowia jako źródło przewagi konkurencyjnej placówki medycznej


E‐health services as a source of competitive advantage in a medical facility

This article presents issues related to the impact of e‐health projects on the competitive position of a medical facility, mainly from the point of view of its patients. The research was carried out in a group of patients of Luxmed medical centre in Lublin in the spring 2013. The study was concerned with the role of e‐health solutions in the process of developing a competitive advantage of medical facilities. The impact of e‐health solutions on the choice of a specific facility by patients was also studied. The attitudes and opinions concerning the acceptance of e‐health services provided by examined medical facility were recognised. The evaluation and the impact of e‐health solutions on the choice of the facility by patients was investigated.

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Table of contents of issue 35

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