Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Grzegorz Bliźniuk

Profile IHE XDS i IHE XDW w zapewnieniu współdziałania instytucji medycznych


IHE XDS and XDW profiles in ensuring interoperability of medical institutions

The article provides some essential information about the interoperability approach in IHE XDS and IHE XDW profiles. Certain details of XDS and XDW with main motivations and possible areas of deployments for both are mentioned. More attention is given to details of establishing a secure communication inside an XDS profile and to the levels of interoperability maturity in this profile. Another discussed issue is a new approach to interoperable workflow system in the IHE XDW profile, with many medical institutions intersecting. Particular consideration was given to the logic of document workflow in the XDW concept, based on merged information about a medical event and medical input and output documents.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 35

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