Issue 29/2013

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Dariusz Zdonek

Ocena dostępności wybranych e-usług urzędów administracji publicznej miast zrzeszonych w Górnośląskim Związku Metropolitarnym


Assessment the web accessibility of selected public administration e-services in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia

The main objective of this paper is to assess the web accessibility of selected public administration e-services. In the first part of the article the definition and the applicable law regarding the web accessibility of sites in Poland are discussed. Examples of methods of assessment are also given. The second part concentrates on the analysis of public e-services. In the third section the results of preliminary studies on the web accessibility of websites in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia are presented.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 29

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