Issue 49/2018

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Jacek Kowalewski

Ocena spójności wyników gospodarczych państw europejskich na podstawie indeksu dynamiki produkcji przemysłowej


An Assessment of Data Coherence in the Area of Economic Performance of European Countries Based on the Industrial Production Index

Short-term statistics, which is part of enterprise statistics, provide quick information about the state of the economy and its key sectors. In the European context, the system of short-term statistics is coordinated by Eurostat, while national statistical institutes of individual member states are responsible for providing estimates of shortterm indicators. The provision of coherent statistics is one of the major challenges facing NSIs. The degree of data coherence can be assessed in terms of methodology, distribution of information or actual results. The article describes an attempt to assess the coherence of economic performance statistics for European countries, which is based on the industrial production index (January 2005?May 2017). Time series data was analysed using Theil coefficients and dendrograms were used to identify clusters.

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Table of contents of issue 49

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