Issue 36/2015

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Monika Szałkowska-Strzelecka

Wybrane aspekty ewaluacji wartości publicznej dostarczanej dzięki wykorzystywaniu przetwarzania w chmurze obliczeniowej


Selected aspects of evaluating public value delivered by cloud computing

The purpose of this article is to present the issues of evaluation of public value delivered thanks to cloud computing. The first section introduces the issue and the second section concerns the theory underpinning the estimation of public value. There are two main theoretical concepts proposed by Moore and Meynhardt. The third section deals with the subject of measurement of values in IT and it contains a synthetic description and classification of the methods used for the evaluation of IT projects. The fourth point presents a brief characterisation of cloud computing. It features an example method for analysing public value of cloud projects. Potential difficulties associated with the adaptation of the current methods to evaluate projects based on CC technology are also described. The fifth point addresses the aspects of impact of clouds on public value. It contains a proposition of an area of analysis in the evaluation process. In the summary, an indication of directions for further research is suggested. The conclusions included in the summary highlight the need to broaden interest in the potential of CC technology and the need for creation of a new method for evaluating public value created by cloud computing.

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Table of contents of issue 36

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