Issue 33/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Krzysztof Świder, Bartosz Jędrzejec

Zaawansowane metody analizy danych i niekomercyjne pakiety analityczne w systemach wspomagania decyzji na potrzeby administracji publicznej


Using modern KDD methods along with non‐commercial analytical packages to support decisions in public administration

The paper concerns the potential perspectives of the use of knowledge discovery from data (KDD) methods together with non‐commercial analytical tools in public administration. The main categories of data analysis techniques were identified and characterised with a special focus on the predictive models for data driven decision support. Some non‐commercially available packages supporting the overall KDD process were enumerated and characterised in order to show their professional capabilities available not only for big companies.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 33

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