Zeszyt 36/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Jolanta Sala, Halina Tańska

Sieci społeczne i sieci gospodarcze antidotum na redukowane państwo


Social networks and economic networks as an antidote to limited government

The article presents the phenomenon of networking in contrast to institutional state solutions in order to better present the research results and personal experiences related with the organisational forms of the information society in the twenty-first century, such as social and economic networks. The taxonomic argumentation has been confronted with 10 trends which are changing the relations in the network society according to Jan van Dijk and with the results of research carried out by the Central Statistical Office of Poland and concerning the use of social media in business in Poland. The article also presents the significance of the phenomenon of competence gap and a model of transfer of tools knowledge for employees of industrial enterprises, which constitutes an example of an institutional solution and the outcome of a three-year experiment with a social network and an economic network.

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