Zeszyt 54/2019

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Renata Burchart, Anna Bagieńska

Procedury wdrożeniowe systemu zarządzania ryzykiem podatkowym w przedsiębiorstwie


Procedures for implementing the tax risk management system in an enterprise

The aim of the research is to analyse the factors affecting the effectiveness of the implementation procedure of the tax risk management system in an enterprise. The results of the analyses indicate that for correct and effective tax risk management in the entity it is necessary to: examine and establish areas of special tax risk, identify people who will manage this risk and deal with tax issues, indicate their scope of responsibility, introduce appropriate procedures in the company prepared in the form of instructions imposing specific persons, specific obligations, monitoring of changes in tax regulations, employee training, and verification whether the tax risk management system functions in the enterprise in a correct manner.

Artykuł: PDF

spis treści zeszytu 54

Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2024   ISSN 1232-4671
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