Zeszyt 48/2018

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Dariusz Dziuba

Finansowanie społecznościowe: prognozy długookresowe vs. uwarunkowania rozwoju


Crowdfunding: Long-Term Forecasts vs. the Determinants of Its Development

The purpose of the considerations is to analyse the current situation, as well as the long-term prospects for the development of crowdfunding. For the purpose of analyses, the global market segment has been separated, its size estimated and its attributes identified. Particular attention is paid to the trends and tendencies, growth determinants, as well as the possible (envisaged) directions of global development, from the foresight point of view.

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spis treści zeszytu 48

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