Zeszyt 44/2017

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Marcin Lewicki

Wartość dla klienta w handlu elektronicznym – koncepcja i narzędzia


Value for Customers in Electronic Commerce – the Concept and Tools

The principal aim of this paper is to present the concept and tools for creating value for customers in e-commerce. The first part focuses on presenting the basic terms (i.e. e-commerce and value for the customer) and the issue of creating customer value in online retailing. Due to the dynamic changes which occur in this area, this issue is rarely discussed in the literature. Next, the paper defines the author’s own concept of creating value for customers in e-commerce and presents the tools which can be used within it. It is emphasized that each of the tools presented in this paper (i.e. architecture, information, offer and social media) has its own way of creating value for customers. The last part of the article refers to presenting a part of the author’s own research, which aims to show the importance of each tool. The author’s research revealed that respondents rate the offer as a tool of the biggest importance in creating this value; however, the need for further research in this area is emphasised.

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Copyright © Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 2011-2024   ISSN 1232-4671
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