Zeszyt 42/2016

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Stanisław Jerzy Niepostyn

Koncepcja architektury sterowanej regułami spójności modeli (CMDA) na przykładzie systemu e-IRZ dla ARiMR


Consistency Model Driven Architecture – the consistency rules of UML models in software architecture

The CMDA concept supports the design of an IT system from a top level abstract context model diagram towards implementable models that enable us to generate target software based on rules of consistency between the elements of specific models. The design regime presented leads to the derivation of a set of chosen and consistent models that fully and completely describes the software architecture. The CMDA concept has already been positively validated in several industry projects, among others, for example, the design of the Animals Identification and Registration System (e-IRZ), and the Business Process Management platform, both for the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture.

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