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Issue 45/2017 The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one. Jarosław Oczki, Ewa Wędrowska Zmiany w rozkładzie dochodów gospodarstw domowych w krajach UE *** Changes in Household Income Distributions in EU Countries Abstract The analysis of income distributions often includes the investigation of the level of income inequality. A variety of measures are used for this purpose, including Gini coefficient, as well as indices based on quantiles (usually quintiles, deciles or percentiles). In the article the results of the assessment of income inequalities and changes in the decile distributions of equivalent disposable income in the European Union countries in the period 2005–2014 are presented. We use popular inequality indices and Csiszár divergence measures. The data come from EU-SILC database. Article: PDF Table of contents of issue 45 |
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