Zeszyt 40/2016

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Karolina Stasiak

System alarmujący o zagrożeniach i szansach przedsiębiorstw na podstawie monitoringu zmian oraz analizy danych webowych i bazodanowych


Warning system for risks and opportunities based on change monitoring and the analysis of internal databases and Web data

Effective change management is essential for every organisation that wants to survive and succeed in the current highly competitive and ever-changing business environment. Given the unprecedented scale of the data collected, the information can become a strategic resource for companies and build the foundations for competitive advantage. The most important sources of information that have an impact on the effective management are both internal sources and the business environment. The aforementioned requirements gave rise to the creation of an early warning system. The system monitors the information sources and warns about risks and opportunities arising from the changes of values of the monitored objects.

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