Zeszyt 36/2015

Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych oświadcza, że wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.

Angelika Goszczyńska

Projekt GBDOT


The GBDOT project

The subject matter of this article is to present the project run by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography entitled
"Georeferential Database of Topographic Objects (GBDOT) combined with the National Management System (KSZBDOT)". It is the most comprehensive enterprise undertaken in the Polish geodesy in recent years. Today, it is becoming an enormous source of topographic information for Poland. The data involved is characterised with: high security, reliability, readability and compatibility with the European Union requirements. It enables the development of products that are helpful both for civil service as well as all citizens, because the data contained in this system is publicly available. The system is dedicated to institutions dealing with land use and potential investors. The paper discusses the following aspects of the project: 1) legal basis; 2) construction of GBDOT; 3) sources of information; 4) thematic structure; 5) how and where to use the information contained in GBDOT; 6) how to use GBDOT in the economy, and more.

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