Issue 35/2014

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Maria Karlińska, Paweł Masiarz, Ryszard Mężyk

Przyspieszenie wdrażania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w regionalnej ochronie zdrowia dzięki finansowemu wsparciu UE - przykład województwa świętokrzyskiego


Acceleration of implementation of information technologies in regional health care due to financial support from the EU - an example of Świetokrzyskie province

The use of information technologies in the Polish regional health care has significantly improved over the years. However, it is still far from optimal. The article presents a model of implementation of information technologies in this area along with tools designed for evaluation of the achieved implementation level. It is followed by a case study of a large-scale eHealth project that has been carried out in Świetokrzyskie province.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 35

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