Issue 46/2017

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Tomasz Górski

Specyfikacja wymagań dla chmury akademickiej w Centrum Studiów Zaawansowanych Inżynierii Systemów WAT


Requirements’ Specification for the Academic Cloud of the MUT Centre for Advanced Studies in Systems Engineering

The article describes the requirements’ specification for the academic cloud of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Systems Engineering (CASE) at the Military University of Technology. The project POIS.13.01.00–00–007 / 12 was financed from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007–2013, activity 13.1 “Infrastructure of higher education”. During the project, it was necessary to conduct a series of public tenders to purchase and deploy the hardware and equipment of CASE. The author introduces the issue of the requirements’ specification for the biggest tender and its conducting in order to build and run the academic cloud. The article presents the scope of the tender. The author describes the best practices that have proven effective in the planning, preparation and conducting of the tender procedure. They were crucial to the positive outcome of the tender for the first time and without appeals.

Article: PDF

Table of contents of issue 46

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