Issue 42/2016

The CEA states that the primary version is the paper one.

Wiesław Palczewski, Szymon Suwała, Mateusz Palczewski

E-learning w przygotowaniu do lekarskiego egzaminu końcowego (LEK) – moduł treningowy LEK-endium


E-learning in preparation for the final medical examination (LEK) – the LEK-endium training module

The final medical examination (LEK) is one of the most significant elements in preparing a young medical university graduate for starting an independent practice in the medical profession. According to the existing regulations, passing this examination is necessary in order to obtain the full Right to Practice the Profession (PWZ, which replaces the Limited Right to Practice the Profession, OPWZ, which is obtained on completion of medical studies). The medical and educational portal, PrzypadkiMedyczne. pl (as part of its right to conduct the post-graduate education of physicians within the scope of medicine, granted to it by the Lower Silesian Chamber of Medicine), took the initiative and aimed to involve in the process of preparation, persons who were interested in passing the final medical examination. This initiative resulted in the creation of a training module called LEK-endium, which has been prepared by young physicians, for young physicians.

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